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from a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective

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"LET FOOD BE THY MEDICINE, AND THY MEDICINE BE THY FOOD" is a philosophy that we take quite literally in Chinese Medicine.


Chinese Medicine recommends specific dietary choices based upon the seasons, your body type, and your health concerns. Some of these dietary principles are intuitive, such as avoiding hot foods in the summer or cold foods in the winter.


Each food (in its natural, unprocessed form) has its own specific health benefits and energetic qualities.  Therefore, each person's unique health patterns may require different food choices for optimal health.


Your acupuncturist may recommend specific foods after your thorough health history, which may include both adding new foods into your diet and restricting or limiting other foods to achieve optimal balance.

Some examples of these dietary guidelines may include: 

  • Avoiding excessive amounts of raw fruits and vegetables - for anyone with digestive concerns, arthritis, and cold limbs.

  • Foods rich in 'yin' (such as black sesame, cherries, pears, etc) - for menopausal symptoms and any yin-deficient health patterns.

  • Avoiding dairy and greasy foods -for any health concerns that involve excessive phlegm, stubborn weight gain, fatigue, or brain fog.

  • Eating red meat and bone broth - for many women's health issues, fatigue, insomnia, and some types of headaches.


Your practitioner is trained in Chinese Nutrition Therapy and will determine if dietary recommendations are appropriate for you and your health concerns.

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It is helpful to remember that these are guidelines, not strict rules, and to always listen to your body to assess if dietary changes are improving your health. In some cases your body may intuitively guide you towards or away from some of these food choices, and we always honor your body's natural inclinations.


Chinese Dietary Therapy differs greatly from 'traditional' and more western dietary guidelines, and is highly individualized for each patient, as opposed to 'diets' like Vegan, Whole 30, FODMAP, or Keto that are for large populations of people.


If you have specific food allergies, follow dietary restrictions, or have any lifestyle factors that may influence your dietary habits, we will incorporate this information into a diet plan that works with you, your schedule, and your ethical concerns. 

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